Refinancing / Monetizing

NEND expands its ecosystem into a secondary market for users who would like to buy or sell illiquid assets which usually take a long time to be exchanged for cash and cannot be sold until expiry or maturity.

When a loan executes, the borrower can issue 'a trust deed' which represents the ownership of the tokenized asset and the liability for repayment of the asset-backed loan. At the same time, the lender can receive 'a promissory note' which represents the right that the lender will be paid back the principal plus interest after a certain period and receive the collateralized asset in case of the foreclosure of the loan.

Trust deeds and promissory notes can be sold before loans come due. The assets held in escrow also can be sold as a form of EAB(Escrowed Asset-backed Bond) before the vesting date.

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