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User becomes a curator simply by purchasing ‘Voting Power Card' NFTs with NEND Tokens. With the cards, they can participate in the gamified Curation process. By joining a new Curation process, Curators are rewarded by the lending commission which is pooled and distributed weekly. There is an additional winning bonus awarded when curators join the game in curation and choose the option that is picked as a winner by random number generator. Valuations will be done by selecting one of the multiple choices which include a percentage of the requested loan amount, the period of the loan, APR and the allowance of leverage.
Curators can claim their share of the reward distributed from a commission pool. 20% of commission taken from every lending transaction goes to the pool.
To join the curation, Curators need to deposit a Voting Power Card each time and by betting their Voting Power Card, they can join the game. If they don't choose to join the game, they can retrieve the deposited Voting Power Card regardless of the curation results.
The game result is only affected by the option about the loan amount. When curation ends, the random number generator picks the winning option among the loan amount. If curators join the game and their vote doesn't win, they forfeit the Voting Power Cards. On the other hands, if their vote win, they can retrieve the Voting Power Cards and earn NEND tokens converted from the Power Voting Cards taken from other curators who don’t win.
Curator can list the RWAs on the platform for the curation.
Users can become curators by purchasing Voting Power NFT cards from RWA marketplace using NEND tokens (vice verse).
Curation criteria: 1) Availability of RWA collateralization 2) Price feeds 3) Percentage of loan 4) Interest rate and other factors can be added.
By Participating in the Curation process ‘Curators’ can earn $NEND by winning, transactional commission, and interest from the loans.
When participating in the curation, curators must deposit a Voting Power Card. By choosing the game option, they can earn extra NEND tokens when they choose the option that is picked as a winner by a random number generator. Those who participate but do not pick the winning option via the multiple-choice process lose their Voting Power Card NFTs.
VPCs lost on the betting are converted to $NENDs which come from ecosystem fund(15M) reserved for multiple purposes such as bond purchasing, VPCs re-purchasing, etc.
Only 1 Voting Power Card is allowed to be deposited per a curation.
Curators withdraw their VPCs after the curation unless they don’t bet them.
There are 4 levels of Voting Power Cards. 5 cards of a certain level are needed to be eligible for the next level of card to be used on a curation.
Each level of Voting Power Cards represents a multiplier that amplifies a weekly distributed reward and a payout for a winner in the curation process. A higher level of Voting Power Cards increases the chance of multiple payouts.
If the curation result is 'Rejected', curators can have the betted VPCs back without any cost.
Rewards for curation
20% of Lending Commission(5% of trade value) pooled in Curation Reward Pool
Winning prize for betting Voting Power Cards when a curator bets his deposited VPC.
Calculation examples for rewards
1. Commission Reward weekly distribution:
When the weekly pooled commission is 1000 $NEND and there is 2 curators.
One voted 5 times with LV1 card , the other voted 5 times with LV3 card.
Claimable amount for the curator voting with LV1 cards: 15/(15 + 35) 1000 $NEND = 250 $NEND Claimable amount for the curator voting with LV3 cards: 35/(15 + 3*5) *1000 $NEND = 750 $NEND
2. WINNING Price for betting VPCs
In case 100 VPCs betted and 20 VCPs won
and there are 5 LV1 VCPs, 5 LV2 VCPs, 5 LV3 VCPs and 5 LV4 VCPs in them,
80 lost VPCs worth 10000 $NENDs.
10000/( 1 * 5 + 2 * 5 + 3 * 5 + 4 * 5) = 10000 / 50 = 200
LV1 = 200 * 1 * 5 = 1000 $NEND
LV2= 200 * 2 * 5 = 2000 $NEND
LV3= 200 * 3 * 5 = 3000 $NEND
LV4= 200 * 4 * 5 = 4000 $NEND
When a curator with LV3 cards wins, he gets 600 $NEND